Santa fell asleep too! Feel good photos of the day!, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


Isn’t this just the cutest thing? The baby’s first Christmas photos and guess who fell asleep? Both of them did! It has made international news! I saw it on FoxNews. Its’ here too at the: Huffington Post!



From Donnie’s Daddy Daycare

I can’t believe how adorable our son’s pictures with Santa came out. After falling asleep in line waiting, Santa asked us not to wake him and the outcome was the cutest thing I’ve ever seen.

Photo was taken in Evansville, Indiana.

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3 pounds of pulled pork, a rack of ribs, 5 pounds of potato salad, pickles, onions, buns and sauces. Enough to feed a dozen people or more, packed to be easy to carry and reheat if needed.

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