Eddie & the Thunder Kings debut @ Mojo’s Boneyard

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Big news from…

Hello friends, family, and those who simply forgot to renew an expiring protective order!  Regardless, we have some very exciting news!


Eddie &  the Thunder Kings  will be making their official debut on March 29th, 2014 at 8PM at Mojo’s Boneyard in Evansville, IN.  It’s going to be quite the party!  Along with playing some thunderous rhythm & blues, we’ll be mingling and meeting with everyone until midnight.  I’m quite anxious for you to see, hear and meet the band.  Remember, we’ll be recording some video/audio from this event for use on the web and such.  So, please be on your best behavior!   Ha! Ha!  We do invite you to record any specific song’s video on your phone/portable device so that we might incorporate your footage into the video too.  Don’t worry, we’ll supply the audio.


Seating is limited to approximately 65 people with a standing room of 100.  Judging by initial word of mouth, we may have a full house!  We’d suggest that you call ahead in order to make reservations for your party.  Please keep in mind; you will need to be there at least 15 minutes before the show starts in order to claim your reserved seats/table.  This would include any empty chairs being held for late arrivals.  We hate being sticklers about this but we really don’t want to deny seating to other patrons.  Also, any empty seats won’t really help our video.  So, if you make reservations… please show up!  Thanks!!


Now for those of you who somehow simply haven’t afforded yourself the pleasure of a visit, Mojo’s Boneyard is located directly east of Green River Rd. at 4920 Bellemeade Ave. in Evansville, IN.  Their phone number is (812) 475-8593.  Please plan on arriving early and sampling their marvelous menu.  Their pizzas are da’ bomb!

We look forward to seeing you there!


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