STEPHEN MILLARD review, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

STEPHEN MILLARD Metropolitan Coffee, Hutchinson, KS © Lydia Lowe 9/08/2011 STEPHEN MILLARD . . . I had the chance to meet Stephen on Saturday night and hear him in concert at Metropolitan Coffee in Hutchinson, KS. He was the second act of the night. He followed Crawford and Salasin. Stephen sang and played a wide variety of very upbeat tunes. He writes his own music and he even sang a cover tune or two. He plays guitar and accentuates that with a drum beat. It’s quite a unique sound. When you go to his concert and you see him setting up with a guitar and a drum, it’s hard to believe that yes, he is going to play both of those instruments at the same time. Although Stephen is a senior at McPherson High School, eighteen years old; he is putting his career together on his own terms and pushing forward going after his dream of a music career. Currently he is on a mini tour of Kansas and Nebraska. “Tours are incredibly hard to put together. I think people think when I call that I’m just a kid and so I have to call back 5 or 6 times so they know that I’m serious”, Stephen told me. Check out Stephen’s Facebook page at “Stephen Millard Music” and find out where he’ll be performing next and see his act in person. There’s free music to listen to on his Facebook page, too. — Posted By Lydia to ReVue<>at 10/09/2011 12:07:00 PM