Posts tagged "96.5 FM"

“The Naked Adam Show” Podcast updated Nov 2nd Edition!, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Have you checked out the latest podcast? Here it is! Please listen/share/like! Thanks 🙂

Radio 1

Tony Gish

We live in a fast paced world. High Speed low frag as one of my friends always says. We have super fast internet, cell phones, Ipads, and data coming in at us from each direction at a 100 million Kb per second ( figuratively speaking). From sun up until sun down and really, 24 hours a day. Information from texts, email notices and alerts. News and weather updates and don’t forget Facebook notifications. It’s almost never ending…But in reality, some times it’s good to slow down. To smell the roses. We all need to slow down. Agree? To slow down and remember about life and how important our short stay here is to ourselves and to others. Our spiritual well beings and to our soul…

Let me introduce you to Tony Gish and his weekly radio program “The Naked Adam Show“. It’s a 30 minute program that plays good music and has an encouraging word for each of us. He isn’t “preachy” so give it a listen… He is like a good neighbor that pats you on the back and tells you everything is going to be ok. We all need that pat on the back and that encouraging word. He doesn’t have all the answers but he shares about the person that does.

His radio program is updated weekly and I strongly encourage you to give it a listen. In fact, I have started listening to it daily while at work. The podcasts are archived so if you miss it Sunday morning at 10:30am on  WSON 96.5 FM, you can listen at your convenience from the website anytime or download the radio app. And go by his Facebook page and let him know you’re listening to his program. He would deeply appreciate hearing from you.

Also, if you don’t mind. Please like and share this article with all your friends! 🙂



Here is the latest one and it’s a good one too. Please give it a listen! Click the banner below to go to his webpage or the banner on the right of the page.






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Posted by Chuck Gee - November 3, 2014 at 12:40 AM

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