Facebook now FightBook? What have we become?
Today. After the Election, it is worse than ever…Agree? Thoughts?
Sad. Very sad. Facebook has become “FightBook”. I try to be funny, post silly stuff, something that makes me laugh or its thought provoking and hopefully never mean spirited.. Occasionally after a few beers (at night) i might get mouthy and then feel bad about it and delete the posts and most times apologize for my actions. However, with all the hate I see on FightBook today, it makes me wonder where we are all going. The new guy (it could have been a girl) isn’t even in Office yet and both sides are drawing lines. Can’t we all just get along? Can we see the good in someone or at least give them a chance? Why must it be our nature to “FIGHT” This is America. Your place and mine. Be my brother or sister, friend and neighbor. You are not my enemy just because we don’t agree on everything. I shouldn’t be labeled by you as your enemy either.#Whycantwebefriends #RepostIfYouwant
Categories: General Tags: cant we all get along?, clinton, dividing lines, election, facebook, opinions, trump