Posts tagged "every rose"

Bret Michaels turns 50!, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Say it isn’t so… Damn all of us 80’s guys are creeping up on the half century mark. But you know what? We still look and feel like we are 21 so kiss my ass all you young dudes. Growing old and being old is for pussies. Can I say pussies on Kickacts? Let me check..hang on… Kickacts is me anyway. so yea, growing old is for pussies…guyliner is still in use as needed…

Bret has had a few health scares but for a diabetic that is still out of the road, keeping it on the road he is doing well. Can’t beat a guy that calls his chick in the middle of the night from the road to check in only to hear a guy’s voice so he goes back to the laundry mat and picks out “Every rose has it’s thorns”. You think she is still pissed? You think he still cares? That song is still pulling in the bucks and like Bret says, his old girlfriend is on her seventh or eighth husband. So, Bret wins!

  Anyway, Happy Birthday Bret!

Now go get your candles blown!!

Rock of Love!

Rock of Love!

Here are some of the Poison songs I really like….

Posted by Chuck Gee - March 15, 2013 at 12:00 PM

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