Posts tagged "foxnews"

“Why is humanity still so evil in the 21st century?”, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

I wish that quote was mine but it isn’t.  In fact, why do we even need to use a quote like that today?

Because over our morning coffee or our commute to work, a false ideology is wiping out people. Oh ISIS isn’t the only ones doing it. It’s everywhere. But they are currently the ones that have floated to the top of the cesspool of a long list of evil in this world. It doesn’t make any sense to me. We are all part of this huge planet and yet we still can’t get along. Most of us hurt instead of heal.We fight with our families, our neighbors, our co workers, the people in traffic, etc. The list goes on and on. Then our world leaders, who are in place to protect us, fight with other world leaders. Like I already said. It just doesn’t make any sense. And why do we do it? I dunno. I don’t have the answers. It will be easy for some to say, it’s Man’s “Sin Nature”. But in reality. That ideology is no different in some aspects as the ISIS beliefs are. Believe like we do or else. When our kids were young, a neighborhood bully was making his rounds. Our son may have been 10 at the time said to me as I was reluctantly showing him how to fight back  said “Dad, I only want to play”…

Speaking of a kid that only wanted to play.

In the story below instead of playing with other kids, She set herself on fire to keep from being raped…

Once again, why does this happen and why do we continue to allow it? No easy answers but it’s got to stop…Agree?

an excerpt:


“Yasmin, 16, who feared another rape, wanted to make herself undesirable, so she doused herself with gasoline and lit a match. Badly burned, she is in a German hospital facing more than 20 surgeries.

“Now she looks like a zombie, and children cry when they see her,” Kizilhan said. “It is so difficult to see what the fire did to her.”

Here is the complete story and what some kind people are doing to help.

(click link)
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Posted by Chuck Gee - September 23, 2016 at 6:57 AM

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Aerosmith’s Joe Perry Collapses on stage!, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Joe_Perry_2009-1024x668 (1)

Aerosmith guitarist Joe Perry is in stable condition after he was taken to a hospital during a performance in New York.

Perry, 65, became ill around 9:30 p.m. Sunday while performing with Johnny Depp and Alice Cooper in his side band, the Hollywood Vampires, at Ford Amphitheater in Brooklyn’s Coney Island.

Sources told The New York Post Perry lost consciousness on the scene and police revived him.

A concertgoer told FOX411, “[Joe Perry] was sitting by the amp on stage during the first song. I thought that was odd. He walked behind the stage. The show kept going. They didn’t stop.”

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Posted by Chuck Gee - July 11, 2016 at 12:04 PM

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Fox News Host files sexual harassment charges…, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

untitledI actually like watching FoxNews but it seems to be the common theme that all female hosts be “Good Looking” and wear skin tight dresses. It reminds me of Don Henley’s “Dirty Laundry” song.

“We got the bubble headed
Bleached blonde
Comes on at five
She can tell you ’bout the plane crash
With a gleam in her eye”

So a former Cozy couch host is suing after getting fired for…


BREAKING: FOX NEWS HOST Files Sexual Harassment Charges Against Prominent Figure At FOX »

This is a sad way to end a long career at FOX News but Gretchen Carlson is in the middle of a mess claiming that Roger Ailes sexually harassed her. She was fired! Who knew? 

Gretchen Carlson has filed a sexual harassment suit against her Fox News boss Roger Ailes.

The popular host of The Real Story with Gretchen Carlson alleges that she was let go on June 23 after 11 years with the network for refusing to sleep with Ailes.
Carlson writes in her court filing about a conversation she had with Ailes last September in which he allegedly said to her: ‘I think you and I should have had a sexual relationship a long time ago and then you’d be good and better and I’d be good and better.’

For more go here: 

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Posted by Chuck Gee - July 7, 2016 at 6:28 AM

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Nashville Drummer falls thru Window! A sign?, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Only in Nashville were there are ten country cover bands per block playing all the same songs over in over! Maybe it’s a sign that it’s time to change the formula up? Watch the video. The guy is alright.


From Fox:

A drummer fell backwards out of a window during a performance at a Nashville, Tenn. honky tonk on Friday night, FOX59 reports.

The Don Kelley Band was playing “Ghost Riders in the Sky” at Robert’s Western World when drummer Stan Saxon took the scary tumble after standing up at the end of the performance to thank the crowd.

“My ear monitor pulled me back, it felt like somebody grabbed me by the shirt and yanked me to the ground,” Saxon told WKRN. “It was like the window wasn’t even there. The next thing I knew I was looking up at shards of glass going, ‘How did I get out here?”

For the Story go here:

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Posted by Chuck Gee - February 2, 2016 at 8:18 AM

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Fox News Analyst Called Obama ‘A Total “78779” On Live TV!, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Prez. Obama gave his terrorism speech last night on tv…Lt. Col. Ralph Peters was asked what he thought about the speech. Right or wrong his response is PRICELESS! LOl!


Language alert!



For More: UPROXX


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Three bones and potato salad. Nice smoke ring on the ribs too!

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Posted by Chuck Gee - December 7, 2015 at 2:21 PM

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Elisabeth Hasselbeck Quits Fox & Friends, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Elisabeth Hasselbeck to step down as ‘Fox & Friends’ co-host | Fox News

1413402716_elisabeth-hasselbeck-lgMy bet is the new host(s) will be a blonde female. Probably a former Model/Sportsperson/Miss America/Married to a Sports guy or something close to that.  I guess the owners of Fox have a thing for blonde headed girls. Not hating but that’s usually what they have on there. Ever see any wearing dress pants either? It reminds me of Don Henley’s song “Dirty Laundry”.

Here are a few of the lyrics…




“Well, I coulda been an actor But I wound up here, I just have to look good I don’t have to be clear”


“We got the bubble headed Bleached blonde, Comes on at five. She can tell you ’bout the plane crash With a gleam in her eye”

The “curvy” couch needs new curves…


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A good thing to get involved with here People. Home Less Rock Stars
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Elisabeth Hasselbeck announced Monday that she will step down from her role as co-host of “Fox & Friends” on FOX News Channel (FNC) and depart the network at the end of the year, putting her television career on hold while she raises her three children.

A variety of rotating co-hosts will take Hasselbeck’s seat until a replacement is named.

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Posted by Chuck Gee - November 24, 2015 at 7:17 AM

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‘Jihadi John’ is no longer among the living!, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0



If the name doesn’t ring a bell, well it’s that isis jerk with the British accent in all the beheading videos. Apparently he was “beheaded” by a drone! Here are the details. The photo is upside down on purpose!


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Follow this link for more details: Foxnews

US airstrike targets notorious ISIS militant ‘Jihadi John’ | Fox News

The Pentagon said late Thursday it had launched an airstrike in Syria targeting “Jihadi John”, a British national seen in videos depicting the beheading of hostages held by ISIS.

Pentagon spokesman Peter Cook confirmed that the airstrike in Raqqa was directed at the notorious militant, also known as Mohamed Emwazi. It was not immediately clear whether Emwazi died in the airstrike, but a senior U.S. military official told Fox News, “we are 99 percent sure we got him.” The Pentagon was monitoring the aftermath of the strike before making a definitive announcement.

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Posted by Chuck Gee - November 13, 2015 at 7:36 AM

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Radical Imam Tells Pamela Geller on Live TV She Should be SLAUGHTERED, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

You may not be a fan of fox news but put that aside for a moment and watch this interview. This muslim does actually say that muslim law is above all laws and should dictate our every day lives. He also goes on to say that if you break a muslim law whether you are a muslim or not (meaning Christian or other wise) you should be put to death.

This crap is way out of hand and needs to be stopped. Where are our Leaders??? Someone needs to say enough is enough. Live here and live in peace. But according to this idiot, it’s muhammad way or the highway so to speak. I used to say it’s coming folks. But after the incident in Texas. It’s here. 🙁

for more click <HERE>

Related stories:

What one pissed off American Vet said about isis. click <HERE>

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Posted by Chuck Gee - May 7, 2015 at 5:23 AM

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Geraldo confronted about Foxnews Coverage in Baltimore!, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

I think this gentleman actually gave out a good message to Fox news. Geraldo seems uncomfortable and keeps smiling and trying to get away. Maybe we all should slow down and listen to what this young man has to say. Agree?

We should all try to calm the situation down. It seems America is on the edge of coming apart at the seams…Opinions welcome.


“I want you and Fox News to get out of Baltimore City, because you’re not here reporting about the boarded up homes and the homeless people under MLK,” he continued. “You’re not reporting about the poverty levels up and down North Avenue.”

He asked further where Fox was during the 300 Man March, noting that Fox only turned out to catch a glimpse of anecdotes of destruction.

“You’re not here for the death of Freddie Gray! You’re here for the story!”


“This is real Baltimore,” he continued. “This is where people have to wake up and wonder where they gonna go to get a meal.”


For more on the story go here <countercurrentnews>



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Posted by Chuck Gee - May 1, 2015 at 9:43 AM

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So did a Redneck finally find and kill BigFoot?, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0



Here we go again…You know folks, I would like to believe but there is absolutely not one ounce of real proof Big Foot exists. Anyone can say a broken tree limb was made by Bigfoot or fake a foot print. Today with HD video cameras people still only produce grainy footage..why is that???You got two sides of Big Footy people…One side that is out there seriously trying to find a reason to believe and grasping at any straw and the other side out there seriously trying to make fools out of the believers.

So here we got a report of someone that has “actually” baited and killed a BigFoot named Hank…We will see how this turns out concerning the same guy was caught in a BigFooty hoax in 2008. He must be on the side that wants to make fools out of the real bigfooty hunters…

Here’s the grainy footage…

Here is the Foxnews article..


Posted by Chuck Gee - January 6, 2014 at 9:37 AM

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