Posts tagged "iron maiden"

Gotta say Hell yea! To Bruce Dickinson!, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

HE gets it! The inner child forever rocking and screw the world!

Dickinson said, “Mature our image? Why? Inside this 53-year-old exterior — 54 in August — is a 17-year-old. Actually, probably mental age, probably slightly younger. But that’s the core of why you do this thing. When you’re a kid and you experience something that makes you feel, ‘Wow, walking on air.’ The first song you write, the first experiences, you have to ringfence those and guard them against what I can describe as the cynicism of the world, because the world eats into people and destroys those hopes and those dreams and things like that. And it’s those things that people call childish, those are the things, actually, that motivate us and that keeps our creativity precious; that’s what’s inside people, and they lose it at their peril. I’ve seen people that have lost it, and it’s really sad.

Posted by Chuck Gee - June 29, 2012 at 7:20 AM

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